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MF 6718 S scale model

MF 6718 S scale model

:På lager
SKU: X993111943235
35,70 €

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The winner of Machine of the Year 2017, we are pleased to introduce the 6718S to our Britains range in 2019. The MF 6700 S series blends all the benefits of a four-cylinder machine – compact dimensions, low overall weight, good manoeuvrability – with the pulling, pushing and lifting power to match a comparable six-cylinder tractor. Our model is perfect to build your farm world with our other tractors, vehicles, implements and accessories. It features a tow hitch compatible with other 1:32 scale trailers and removable cab, implements and accessories. Made of die cast metal and durable precision-moulded plastic.

Suitable for indoor and outdoor play, for kids and collectors aged 3+.

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